Truth & Fellowship
Sunday School at 10:00 AM in the Sanctuary
Seniors Exploring the Scriptures Book by Book
Our ABC Seniors!
ABC Brunch with Senator Lisa Barnes
ABC's Christmas Carol Program 12-1-24
Chris's Greenhouse 11-14-24

ABC's Train Trip 11-1-24

ABC's Trip To Raleigh (History Museum and Legislative Building) 8-16-24
ABC's Summer Cook Out 6-15-24

ABC Senior Leadership
The mission of the Antioch Baptist Church’s Seniors is to organize the senior adults for worship, ministry and fellowship.
Contact any of these leaders for more information!
Leader: Katherine Russell
Secretary: Rachel Price
Assistant Leader: Helen Brose
Treasurer: Katie Narron
Serving Our Community
ABC Seniors partner with Thrivent to provide breakfast items for a local food pantry, Building 323